A Vicious Cycle Of Diabetes-Dependent Life

A good doctor is not only the one who treats your ailment but he or she is also your guide and motivator who provides a holistic approach that goes beyond just generic medicines. When patients come to a doctor, they see the doctor as an angel and feel safe in their presence. Respecting this sentiment, Diabetes Free Forever is constantly working to inculcate the spirit of inspiring others by helping them overcome the disease by educating them about the disease.
They don’t understand when diabetes gets stuck in a vicious cycle of dependent life if diabetes is not properly diagnosed or controlled at the right time. As we move forward, our vicious cycle also changes. Our body tries everything at its level to avoid getting into this cycle. What is this vicious cycle? How do we get stuck in it? We are going to discuss this topic in depth.
As insulin resistance develops, glucose that is not delivered to the cells is stored in our blood. Our blood starts to thicken like sugar paste in our favourite sweets like gulab jamun, rasgulla etc. The reality is that sugar must either stay in our liver or go into our cells, not into our blood. This is because as the blood thickens, more pressure is required to push it forward. On the one hand, our body’s insulin resistance increases our blood sugar levels, and this increases blood pressure because the blood thickens and the heart has to work harder to increase it. Secondly, we need to understand that this sugar not only thickens our blood, it also starts to damage our artery walls from the inside. Just as nicotine damages our lungs because nicotine is not digested by our body.” So along with sugar, salts and cholesterol enter the cells and are also restricted in our blood. Therefore, our arteries begin to shrink in size and narrow and They can’t work properly. This causes damage to the inside of the artery walls and causes small wounds that leak and form blood clots. If all these blood clots start to build up, it can lead to a greater risk of a heart attack.
Do all these things happen in one day?
So the answer is that these things do not happen in a single day It takes at least 6 months to 16 years to develop this insulin resistance. Our body naturally does its level best to not lose its balance or equilibrium. As our insulin resistance increases, so does sugar, BP and cholesterol. Excess sugar leads our body to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack, related disorders, cholesterol obesity, PCOD and thyroid. We call all these lifestyle disorders. Diabetes, BP, Cholesterol are insulin resistance. Because by treating insulin resistance, you will not cure all of these disorders. If you get any other disease, it is taken care of better by your body. Thus, all these things are interrelated.
Another sign that your body does when sugar is high is that it tries to get rid of it through urine. But our kidneys are told that glucose is what we need, so it doesn’t let glucose pass with that urine. Diabetic patients feel the urge to urinate early, but only urine leaves the body and glucose remains in the body.
Three symptoms in the medical field are associated with polyuria, Polydipsia, and polyphagia. Polyuria is the urge to urinate repeatedly. Polydipsia is repeated thirst due to constant dehydration. And polyphagia is a feeling of extreme insatiable hunger. Because the cells demand glucose, it signals to our brain that it wants to work, and it needs glucose to do so, thus causing more hunger. Are we really eating less? So, no. Our body produces glucose from whatever we eat, but the glucose does not reach the cells in the right amount, causing this feeling and this is the condition of insulin resistance.
It’s a dangerous vicious cycle, and if we don’t deal with it properly, this whole process starts to happen in your body, and the stress on every organ starts to increase. The burden on your liver, kidneys, brain, and every organ increases. Then the person always feels more tired. There are many mistakes people make when dealing with this lifestyle disorder and many times they are done unconsciously. But is there a solution to this vicious cycle? absolutely is. Many times diabetic patients find the process very complex and difficult as the process is complicated and many times we feel that solving any complex problem is very difficult. But in reality, although this problem is complex and complicated, the solution is very simple and easy. It is the real need of the present time to make diabetic patients aware of this and guide them properly. There are 4 simple steps which we will discuss further Remember two things 99% of insulin resistance in our body is caused by bad fats. Our wrong diet and wrong food increase insulin resistance in our body. Understanding and correcting insulin resistance is 80% manageable. And only 20% of things are helped by drugs and external sources.
Lowering your blood sugar without addressing the underlying cause can give you a false sense of security. You may be led to believe that you are doing something good to prevent a heart attack and early death, but you are not If you need bypass surgery or dialysis for your kidneys, your insurance will cover it. Overall, the insurance will cover your complications but not the treatment for your complications and you need to understand this difference. Actually, since the preventions are cheap, you have to focus on the preventions yourself which means that you will not be able to use the usual pills here. Here I would like to mention that the problems caused by diabetes can be very costly for us instead if it is very easy to work on the root cause of diabetes, deal with changes in our lifestyle, exercise self-restraint and follow a natural lifestyle consistently, we can definitely get out of this cycle.
आपके मधुमेह, बी.पी., थायराइड, इत्यादि जीवनशैली से संबंधित विकारोंके मूल कारण और प्राकृतिक उपचार को समझने के लिए आज ही हमारे आगामी निःशुल्क ऑनलाइन वर्कशॉप में शामिल हो जाईये | हमारी वेबसाइट पर जाकर अभी अपना नाम निःशुल्क दर्ज कीजिये |
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