Benefits of Enema

Changing lifestyles, eating patterns, and polluted environments all affect the body. Eating unnatural foods, junk food, fast food, more food than hunger has caused many physical problems. Many lifestyle-related diseases are on the rise. We put many toxins in the body. It is said that all diseases also start from the stomach. In this, the function of the digestive system is very important. Because the health of the body depends on whatever nutrients or toxins are available from there. That is, when the gut is clean and healthy, the body is healthy.
When we put non-nutritious food in the stomach, the intestines have to work very hard to digest it. Dr. Norman Walker said in his research that every part of our body is connected to the small parts of our intestines. That is, the part of the intestine where toxins and dirt accumulate, the part of the body that is associated with those organs, and the diseases related to those organs are produced. We also see big celebrities turning to Ayurveda remedies. American singer Katy Perry also mentioned in one of her interviews that she was taking an enema. In our ancient culture, water bodies are mentioned. The place of enema in Ayurveda treatment is very important.
Enema is a good way to detox the body. Various health problems disappear due to enema. The dirt and bacteria that are stuck in the intestines for years are absorbed into the blood and passed throughout the body, so these toxins produce various diseases. When we take an enema, bacteria and toxins that stick to the intestines begin to leak out. If you take an enema with the advice of experts, it has many benefits.
Some of the benefits are as follows:
1) Relief on constipation:
Enema is seen as a panacea for constipation. The stomach is cleared, which gives relief to the patient.
2) Help with weight loss:
Unwanted toxins from the body are excreted by enemas. As a result, the enlarged stomach begins to decrease. Enema also reduces belly fat very quickly and in turn helps in weight loss.
3) Toxins are thrown out:
About 80 per cent of diseases are produced by the intestines. Enema releases stool that sticks to the intestines for years. Bacteria are released which helps in keeping the body clean and healthy.
4) Skin problems go away:
Toxins are more likely to cause skin problems as they are absorbed into the blood through the intestines. Taking these enemas can reduce problems such as rashes and acne by purifying the blood and helping to make the skin healthier
5) Hair problem goes away:
Problems such as hair loss, dandruff in hair, and itching on the scalp can also be reduced by taking an enema.
6) Help reverse thyroid, diabetes, PCOD:
The origin of all lifestyle-related diseases depends on the food we actually eat in the stomach. When you take an enema with a balanced diet, it helps reverse all these diseases. If the stomach is clean, calm, and healthy, there is no laziness and energy, enthusiasm remains throughout the day. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that the importance of an enema is unique.
How to take enema?
Enema kits are available in the market. This enema kit should be washed clean before taking the enema. The bathroom is a beautiful place to take an enema. Lay a mat or towel on the ground and take 300 to 500 ML of water in an enema container. It should be water with a temperature attached to the temperature in the air. It doesn’t matter if the water is a little warm. You can apply a little coconut oil or any other oil to the end of the pipe of the enema vessel so that the pipe can easily pass through the anus. Applying chemical-containing oils or creams should usually be avoided. This water-filled enema vessel should be placed at a height higher than the height of the waist. Lie on your knees on a towel or mat. The head should be tilted to the ground and the waist area should be on the top. Insert the tip of the pipe into the rectus two inches from the anus and hold the pipe by hand. That means it won’t fall down. If there is a switch on one side of the pipe, turn it on. That is, water will start passing from the rectum to the intestines. The water is going in with the pipe adjusted properly, right? Make sure of that.
The enema container was down in a minute or two. After the water goes in, try to hold the water inside for 5 minutes. Try to stay in that position or walk a little bit. After keeping the water inside for five to seven minutes, the toxins, bacteria, and dirt stored inside also start mixing with the water. If you want to go to the toilet, go but usually try to hold the water inside. Don’t use too much water. Otherwise, it can have side effects and doesn’t work as well as it should. How long you keep water in the gut in the rectum is more important than how much water you take.
You can also take this enema by sleeping in the position of Lord Vishnu. Sleep on the left cushion. The right knee is to be raised up to the chest and in this position, the pipe is to be pushed into the rectum. Enema can also be taken well in this situation. Initially, you can take an enema every day for a week, then you have to take an enema alternate day to the next week, and even if you take an enema for two days the next week, you get good benefits. After that, taking this enema whenever you feel the need not only makes your gut healthier, and cleaner but also makes you feel energetic.
If we adopt sixteen hours of fasting, balanced nutritious food, enema and a positive attitude in our lives, then we can live a healthy and beautiful life.
आपके मधुमेह, बी.पी., थायराइड, इत्यादि जीवनशैली से संबंधित विकारोंके मूल कारण और प्राकृतिक उपचार को समझने के लिए आज ही हमारे आगामी निःशुल्क ऑनलाइन वर्कशॉप में शामिल हो जाईये | हमारी वेबसाइट पर जाकर अभी अपना नाम निःशुल्क दर्ज कीजिये |
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