
3 Hrs Exclusive Wokshop

FREE Diabetes Breakthrough Workshop

A live 3 hrs workshop where you will learn all the points related to diabetes management and recovery.

Date: 9 October 2021 | Time: 6.30 PM 

What you will learn?

During the webinar you will learn

  • You will understand 4 important root causes of Diabetes and complications related to it like, Obesity, Thyroid and Hypertension
  • What are the 7 important stages of diabetes management? 
  • What kind of Diet you will have to follow and what exercises you will have to do.
  • What is the stress release protocol
Diabetes recovery DFF Residential Camp

Take the first step towards total well being!

Date: 9 October 2021 | Time: 6.30 PM

Health checkups

Yes! Diabetes can be treated and managed. You have all the rights to know how!

Thousands have already benefitted with this protocol. Now its your turn to take control of your health and lead a fulfilling and happy life!

Know more about

Dr. Bhagyesh Kulkarni

MBBS, PGDDM, DPC (Preventive Cardio–Diabetologist)

Dr. Bhagyesh Kulkarni is one of the leading  Diabetologists and Life-Style Disorders Management Experts in India. His revolutionary “Diabetes Free Forever” program, provides a One-Stop Solution for Lifestyle Disorders like Diabetes, Thyroid, Cardio-Vascular Diseases, Rheumatic Arthritis, Digestive Disorders, PCOD, and many more.

His treatment includes a complete Holistic Approach that focuses on Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being.

Diabetes recovery specialist Dr bhagyesh kulkarni
Dr.Bhagyesh Kulkarni: "Sakal - Idols of Maharashtra"

Dr. Bhagyesh Kulkarni has been awarded as the “Professional Icon of Pune” by IBN in 2017 and “Atulya Arogya Sanman” by Maharashtra Times in 2020.

Under the guidance of Dr. Bhagyesh Kulkarni, a team of Qualified Doctors and Trainers, provide the best-in-class treatment along with personal consultation for Diabetes Treatment.

100% Positive Results

Thousands of Happy and Recovered Patients.

वसंत शिवाजी कंक
वसंत शिवाजी कंक(DFF डिसेंबर 2020 बॅच
पूर्वी गोळ्या खाऊन माझी शुगर नॉर्मल येत नव्हती परंतु DFF जॉईन झाल्यानंतर चार महिन्यांनी कोणतीही शुगरची गोळी न घेता माझी शुगर नॉर्मल यायला लागली. माझ्यामध्ये खूप बदल झाला आणि एक सकारात्मक ऊर्जा निर्माण झाली आहे.
Mrs. Neema Bhujad
Mrs. Neema BhujadDFF June 2021 batch
My HbA1C was 12% when detected 2 years back. It was 6.5 to 7% with medicines. After joining DFF program, just in 1/2 month, my HbA1C is 5.8% with half tablet. Now I am without medicine & excited to see the same result. Thanks to DFF Team!
Lata Gudhe
Lata Gudhe(DFF February Batch)
Diabetic for the last 10 years which is not in control but after joining the DFF program, my sugar is controlled within 2 months. Also, I lost weight by 10 Kgs. Now feeling fresh all time.
Preeti Kalan
Preeti Kalan@username
I was told that diabetes can never be controlled but now I live a healthy lifestyle just because of DFF.
Kadambari Kapileshwar
Kadambari Kapileshwar@username
My sugar levels and medications have decreased considerably! All thanks to DFF
Rajlaxmi Barve
Rajlaxmi Barve@username
Online Home Based Recovery Program पूर्ण केल्यावर माझा कॉन्फिडन्स पूर्णपणे वाढला आहे. Now I will be able to manage my own health.
अनिल टोंगे
अनिल टोंगे( DFF August 2020 Batch)
गेल्या ४ महिन्यापासून शुगर आणि ब्लड प्रेशरच्या माझ्या गोळ्या पूर्णपणे बंद आहेत. आणि प्रत्येक महिन्याचे ब्लड रिपोर्ट्स पण नॉर्मल आहेत. Thank you DFF!
जनार्दन तुकाराम चौधरी
जनार्दन तुकाराम चौधरी( DFF December 2020 Batch)
मला पूर्वी मधुमेह होता परंतु मी आता मधुमेह मुक्त झालो आहे आणि याचा आनंद मी शब्दात सांगू शकत नाही
सुनिल गुरव (कोल्हापूर)
सुनिल गुरव (कोल्हापूर)बॅच - ऑक्टोबर २०२०
कायमस्वरुपी डायबेटीस मुक्त… हो, हे खरंच शक्य आहे!
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