The Ultimate Solution for Diabetes Reversal

For many people, all hope of overcoming their diabetes is lost. These people try a lot but they don’t get the results they want on diabetes or they get tired of trying different remedies so they get bored and the one hope they have to get rid of diabetes is lost somewhere. So when we think about diabetes reversal or getting out of diabetes, most of the time it’s just how can I afford it? What is the quality of medicines that I am taking? What is the root cause of diabetes, more than pills, or drugs? What exactly caused me diabetes? Until I understand this and work on it, we will not find a path to diabetes reversal. In fact, our situation has become like the Marathi proverbial saying “पोटी कस्तूरी वासासाठी फिरे भीरभीरी”. When we talk about drugs, it is not just my personal opinion that they are dangerous or have side effects, but it has been proven by various research that as the dosage of pills increases, side effects also increase along with the effect of those pills. I’m not saying that just thinking about medication won’t work or that you should immediately stop taking pills today. Your pills make up 80 percent of your treatment and only 20 percent of your lifestyle.
When I think about diabetes relief, I need to reverse this equation. This equation needs to be changed. 80 percent or more I should work on my lifestyle changes and 20 to 25 percent I should use pills. As I get older, my dosage of pills should be reduced. Each stage of diabetes reversal should be overcome with lifestyle improvements and progress towards a healthy life until diabetes is free. Many times it seems that simple and effective changes in diabetes or lifestyle are overlooked and many diabetic patients are trapped in a vicious cycle of medication only. To get out of this vicious cycle you need to prepare yourself both mentally and physically and the first step is to change your mindset to get rid of diabetes “I want to live happy, I want to live healthy’, ‘I want to achieve a diabetes free life and whatever. The Lord has given me this beautiful body, a beautiful body that I want to preserve in a good way.” This kind of mentality is necessary to do it first and one should have strong willpower. Often we are already suffering from diabetes and related disorders. Constant sadness, stress, irritability and a kind of discouragement are the result of diabetes in our life.
So whenever we think about diabetes relief, it is very important to be optimistic, stay motivated and most importantly, work hard on the root causes to have a positive mindset and regain your health. I also need to think about how lifestyle changes are going to help me recover from my illness, beyond just the pills I take while working on the symptoms.
We’ve already talked about medication misunderstandings, but doesn’t that mean you have to stop taking your medications today and stop going to your doctor? So no. Your doctor is also an important contributor to your recovery and wants you to find a solution. Therefore, you need to continue your medication. But your goal should be to not let it grow because drugs are a misconception of diabetes control drugs are just pushing today’s problem to tomorrow and help control it temporarily so a healthy lifestyle should reduce it as much as possible in a few months and work on the root cause. So there should be a step-by-step process, where with DFF we teach you these steps systematically.
It is important to get rid of excess fat that accumulates in the cells because it increases our insulin resistance. A better, scientific term for excess fat is intra-myo-cellular lipids. (bad cholesterol). It is a major factor in increasing insulin resistance as it accumulates in our muscle cells. I’ve talked about this lock and key model in a previous article so now you have an idea of what I’m talking about here. To be clear, many people consume animal fat and protein, including milk and dairy products. We consider milk as vegetarian but dairy products are included under animal milk products. All these animal-source products contribute to these intra myo-cellular lipids. Daily consumption of these things increases your insulin resistance.
Thus, when a person stops eating these animal products, within 3 weeks the sugar level starts to normalize, this leads to weight loss, does not cause constipation and has a positive effect on blood pressure. The ultimate solution for your diabetes reversal is to adopt a vegetarian diet, use plant-based milk, and generally avoid flour, refined oils, certain grains, or eat unprocessed foods. You can also do anti-gravity exercises to lose excess fat. Along with that, you should also do the following 3 things. That is
1. Alkaline the body by removing acid – This will make your body alkaline which will reduce inflammation in your body.
2. Enhancing Nutrition- The use of natural supplements, and natural food is essential to enhance nutrition.
3. Working on stress levels- You need to do mind soothing exercises which will help you with cortisol which helps in reducing blood sugar levels and there are many other things like these which will help you in a big way. It will help to get results. Your diabetes journey will be more successful with DFF.
आपके मधुमेह, बी.पी., थायराइड, इत्यादि जीवनशैली से संबंधित विकारोंके मूल कारण और प्राकृतिक उपचार को समझने के लिए आज ही हमारे आगामी निःशुल्क ऑनलाइन वर्कशॉप में शामिल हो जाईये | हमारी वेबसाइट पर जाकर अभी अपना नाम निःशुल्क दर्ज कीजिये |
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